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0 watts???

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:08 pm
by rhino
After spending all afternoon yesterday reading every file on my CD, triple checking all my settings (weight, circ, tilt, wind offset), even doing the 10 CD's and 4 mile out and back, I was stunned today to see that while I had speed, cadence, and heart rate, my watts showed 0 most of the ride. During a climb out of town, I was riding next to a friend with an SRM and he was showing 240 watts, while I was showing 69, and I weigh 25lbs more than him??? When I downloaded my ride it looks like there's wattage data, but it's all over the place and we rode steady, relatively flat, and hard for close to 45 minutes. I don't see a flat wattage line anywhere in the ride data? Anyone heard of this before? Is there a setting I missed? Did I not get the wattage sensor or the wattage firmware? The wattage calculator? Was I supposed to open the iBike and turn on the little blue wattage switch? Right now I have a VERY expensive trip computer! Little help please!!!


Re: 0 watts???

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:06 pm
by Velocomp

Please send me your ride file.

Re: 0 watts???

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:28 pm
by heith
I have a similar problem. today I got up for a group training ride and couldn't find "spcd" it found heart rate fine but wouldn't fine the garmin speed cadence. I new it was working because I turned on the garmin edge at it found it right away. I messed with it for about and hour(changed batts, re-paired) anyways it finally found it.

So I go out on my ride and speed, cad, watts, etc. are working perfect but when I go to download the file everything but watts shows up. I get a quick blip of the watts then it goes blank on the screen. everything else is shown from speed,cad, aero, hr, etc. Just KJ and watts are left blank.

Re: 0 watts???

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:49 pm
by Velocomp
OK, take a deep breath and everything will be OK.

I'm not sure how this topic got on the wireless troubleshooting forum but here's what to do:

The 308 firmware, coming out this week, will eliminate the bug.

Re: 0 watts???

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:10 pm
by heith
I didn't get that far down the list when I seen 0 watts? I was in wireless trouble shooting because I wanted to see what deal was about the spcd fail.
Thanks for the link.