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Training intervals

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:06 pm
by namblor
Is there any way to get a copy of the training intervals from a isport or ipro, so I can load them into my iAero?


Re: Training intervals

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:26 pm
by coachboyd
We are working on that in a future firmware release.

Re: Training intervals

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:52 am
by namblor
Any way I can get a spread sheet of the intervals, so I can just load them myself in my Aero? I now wish I had purchased the Pro model for this reason alone. The CdA features are nice, but I'm a rookie, so the training program is more important to me. I purchased a Sport for my wife at the same time, and she thinks the training programs are spot on. She wants me to ask, "how do I know how long to plan for each type of interval, cardio, power, fat burn?"

People ask about my iBike every time I ride. I really love this thing. Thanks again for such a great product.


Re: Training intervals

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:51 pm
by R Mc
Ya'll are probably working on this, but if not, could you figure out how to make the user-programmed intervals in iAero trigger new laps for the file?

I.e. I loaded a fairly complicated interval set into iAero, so I could keep track of watts and time without having to flip between screens whilst cross-eyed. Worked great, although I'm not sure whether I like or don't like not being able to see hr during the interval sets . . .

Finished the ride, downloaded the file AND surprise, no lap markers for each interval. It's not critical--in most cases it's self-evident on the graphs where the intervals where, and it's easy to highlight them for analysis.

BUT, having the summary info right there has become an addictive feature.