Software Request: temp compensation

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Software Request: temp compensation

Post by smhagger707 »

Can I put in a request for a software feature? I would like to see some way the software corrects for temperature changes throughout a ride. When I start out, I do a wind cal and get a 'near zero' reading (like tonight: ride start was about 49F). At the end of the ride, however, the temp has dropped down to 37F. Midway through the ride, I suspected the temp had dropped and thrown off the wind cal so I stopped and checked it: sure enough, the wind now read -7 to -8, so I did another wind cal to zero it out. When I got back to the car, the temp had dropped again (and I could again tell by my power numbers reading too low for the perceived effort). The reading back at the car was about -7 (again). Thus through the course of the ride, it dropped about 15 'units' (whatever units there are).

Can't this be corrected in software, 'after the fact'? I would be fine with doing a 're-cal' periodically if needed so the software has temp-cal pairs to work from, as needed-but I would like an accurate record of my data for logging purposes, if not real-time, at least 'after the fact' for my training log.

Is this possible?

Even better would be to program in some kind of temperature compensation within the iPro unit itself (assuming it's not already in there-I may be wrong and it's just not quite 'correct')...


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Re: Software Request: temp compensation

Post by Mark_H »

I'd like to offer my own observations here:

I've owned he iBike for over a year now and every time there is a significant change in outisde temperatures I am forced to do a new calibration. It seems to me that the unit is very (overly!) sensitive to temperature changes and as such, would like to echo the request above to have some for of auto-adaptation within the unit.

Frankly, I am tired of having to continually recalibrate...
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Re: Software Request: temp compensation

Post by lorduintah »

It would not be a surprise to me to find out that the wind sensor is very temp sensitive and that each sensor is different in the response - by virtue of what the sensor is supposed to do. That would likely mean a range or temperatures would be needed to develop a compensation model for each iBike uniquely. There could easily be two to three coefficients that you would have to determine.

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