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Removing high power spikes for upload to Strava

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:42 pm
by charlie_bee
Hi all,

I've had PowerPod now for 6+ months but only just installed the Isaac software. Power values have been pretty much consistent with my training numbers on Wahoo / Zwift and have been happy with the data used on Strava. However, for some reason the last couple of rides I did i've had some abnormally high power numbers ( >1200 watts for 7 seconds and > 1000 watts for >15s - I'm an enthusiastic amateur but certainly not van de Poel!)

Removing the data was easy enough in Isaac however the 'export for strava' option won't work as it says no GPS data is included. I have tried to export the GPX file out of Strava for upload and edit in Isaac, however Isaac will not recognise the GPX nor a .fit file format.

My 2021 Strava Power Curve is now totally skewed for everything over 30s on Strava. I've found a way to edit out the bad data via the Strava forum. however, wondering what the cause might have been and how to avoid this in future? Is there a way to review and edit ride power data prior to upload to Strava, or is there 'export to strava' issue an obstacle?

Should I just keep the PP mounted and attach a longer USB cable to offload files (rather than remove it and replace it?)

Help much appreciated!! :ugeek:

Re: Removing high power spikes for upload to Strava

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:57 am
by Velocomp
Please post a .ibr ride file with this problem and I will figure out what is going on.

Re: Removing high power spikes for upload to Strava

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:39 pm
by charlie_bee
(741.88 KiB) Downloaded 233 times
Please see attached. The big spike occurs b/w 35 and 40 miles in to the ride.

Re: Removing high power spikes for upload to Strava

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:53 am
by Velocomp
The problem is that your PowerPod is rotating on the handlebars. Whenever this happens the watts can go crazy (either + or -) until the slope correction algorithm straightens things out. This happened twice in your ride: at the 15 mile mark and again at the 35 mile mark.

Make sure you PP is tightened on the mount so that it cannot rotate.