A few questions

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A few questions

Post by webscience »


Been playing around with my v3 powerpod and had a few questions that I was hoping might be able to get answered:

1. Garmin GSC-10 : I read this is not recommended but it does seem to have picked it up and I've been able to complete the calibration ride. Would recommendation be to get seperate cadence/speed sensors to improve accuracy?
2. Can you clarify if more sensors = better accuracy? What is mandatory vs optional (e.g. speed & cadence mandatory, heart optional)? Does pairing the HRM make any difference to power accuracy?
3. I've had some problems with the pairing/calibration where the light indicators have not been as per instructions (possibly due to the GSC-10 being used?). On the calibration ride I get a yellow solid light but it never changes to flashing red/green, I've always had to push the button again which then seems to put it into calibration mode. I am getting power readings after completing the calibration ride but not sure if something has gone wrong here. I also don't get the power reading 'sticking at 50' until I stop & turn the bike around - it seems to pause for a short period and then keeps tracking up to 100 without waiting for the stop/turn.
4. Calibration ride: does it need to be out & back? Hard to find anything close that is flat so I'm feathering the brakes on the return segment. I saw the powerpod lite seems to not need out & back (just out?) - the v3 does require out & back to calibrate correctly?

Thanks in advance for any answers!
Velocomp CEO
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Re: A few questions

Post by Velocomp »

1. Some GSC-10 work just fine. The older production models had issues with signal strength. You can post a file if you wish and we'll check to see if yours is working properly.
2. The only mandatory sensor is an ANT+ speed sensor. We like the Garmin front hub sensors the best. If you do a lot of riding on hills then we would recommend a cadence sensor, too. This improves accuracy on downhills. HRM is not required, but some users like to see HR as well as power data
3. Try a reset of your PP. Press-hold of the PP button for about 12 seconds (light flashes, goes out briefly, then resumes flashing). When light starts flashing again release the button. Then do a new sensor pairing and cal ride. If you don't get flashing red/green, then replace your GSC-10
4. You don't need a flat route for your cal ride. It's OK to have an up-and-down course, and it's OK to coast on the downhill sections. Try not to apply your brakes!
John Hamann
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Re: A few questions

Post by webscience »

Thanks John - I'll give it another go on the calibration ride and post the file in a few days time to see if the GSC-10 is working and if I have more luck with the calibration ride lights / process working as per instructions.
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