Cda question

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Cda question

Post by nicholsjon »

Hi all,
I'm looking to buy a Newton+ very soon and have been trying to read through this forum for lots of good information.

One question I have is regarding Cda and if it is actively changing on a ride? I read about the Cda Analysis tool in Isaac, and that there is a way to actively view in on Newton if CDA is turned on in "racer prefs". It seems it can only do this while coasting.

So my question is: Does the Newton only use the calibrated value for Cda to calculate power, or can it actively change the value of Cda to account for sitting up versus on the drops or on aero bars?


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Re: Cda question

Post by racerfern »

Newton uses the calibrated value to calculate power. So if you do most of your riding in the drops then you would do the calibration process based on "drops". If you mostly ride upright then you would select "hoods".

There aren't many people that spend most of a ride in the drops other than the pros. In fact there isn't much difference in CdA between riding with elbows bent on the hoods and in the drops, since your body actually thins out a bit as you sit up.

Just pick the position you use for the majority of the ride and it will work very well.
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