Powerhouse suggestion

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Powerhouse suggestion

Post by RGA »

Hello, I've been using the Powerhouse Application the last few rides and really love going through the sessions. One thing I would suggest is to change the color of the TARGET CADENCE. When out riding, I find it difficult to read the suggested target. Everything else I can read fine in the bright sun.

Also, when doing the ride it suggested an RPM of 60 as the workout, I'm assuming that means to change to a big gear and push it at that cadence to get the desired power output, am I correct? Then gear down to recover at the suggested 80 rpms. At least that is what I've been doing.
Keep on Pedaling,

Ray Garza
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Powerhouse suggestion

Post by Velocomp »

Agreed on cadence color.

Yes, you change gears so that your actual cadence matches the target cadence as closely as possible. You'll change cadence throughout the workouts; this is one of the things that Hunter will teach you to do!
John Hamann
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