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Profile weirdness.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:43 am
by spangelsaregreat

I mentioned a while back that I was having an issue with PowerPod consistently recognising a profile. I have four profiles on my PowerPod

1 - Training bike
2 - Road bike
3 - CX bike with CX wheels
4 - CX bike with Gravel wheels

The PowerPod works faultlessly with profiles 1 and 2 with no issues switching between them. I haven't used profile 3 for ages so can't comment on that. However, profile 4 which is my cx bike with the gravel wheels rarely automatically connects up. Often the only way I can get it to work is to manually select it in Issac and then use it on the bike.

Today was the same, I woke up the sensors (I have different speed sensors on the two sets of wheels I use with my CX bike) pushed the start button on the PowerPod and got the flashing green light but it never went solid green. I turned it off and on again (this sometimes works) but it would not connect. Periodically through the ride I tried pushing the start button again but just kept getting the flashing green light.

At the end of the ride I hooked the PowerPod up to Issac and the attached ride was loaded up. I have since been able to merge to my Strava ride from my Garmin via Issac to give me the full ride.

So I am not sure what is going on here. I have attached today's IBR file (before I merged with my Garmin file) and I have attached a ride file from my last ride (310520) where the profile did automatically sync up. Not sure what is going on here.


Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:51 am
by Velocomp
The 6/18 ride "Propel" shows a combined speed/cadence sensor (with no cadence). I don't know which profile # is associated with this profile.

The 5/31 ride "TCX GR" shows distinct speed and cadence sensors, stored in profile 4. Is your speed sensor mounted on the front hub? What kind is it?

These appear to be different bikes...

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:18 pm
by spangelsaregreat

I rode the same bike, my CX bike on both days.

The 5/31 ride is connected the correct profile and is picking up the right sensors. The are Garmin separate cadence and speed sensors. The speed sensor is on the front wheel.

The 6/18 ride was as described in my original post. When I pressed the PowerPod button it remained flashing green and did NOT go to solid green. Despite it not going solid green it has been able to record this ride. I thought that unless you got a solid green light it would not record. So it appears for some reason it thinks it is connected to my Propel profile but has been able to recognise the speed sensor from my CX bike.

I am very confused by this.


Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:32 am
by Velocomp
I'm confused, too!

Please do the following:

1) Connect PP to Isaac
2) Go to Edit/Edit Profiles/Extract from Device. The profile currently active in your device will be extracted. Let's suppose this is profile #1.
3) Use the "Set Active Profile" command to profile 2. Extract profile 2.
4) Repeat step 3) for profiles 3 and 4.
5) Export all four profiles, then post them here.

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:31 am
by spangelsaregreat

Here are the four profiles extracted from my PowerPod.



Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:32 am
by spangelsaregreat
And profile 1.

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:17 pm
by Velocomp
By any chance, for your 6/18 ride file did you rename its date/time?

If you still have this ride file in your device, please download it and post here. Make sure to not change anything about the downloaded file.

For the 6/18 file you posted previously, it shows profile 2 being active. If you were on your CX bike this would be impossible...CX sensors would not communicate with profile 2.

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:03 pm
by spangelsaregreat

No did not amend that file at all, it is the one I downloaded from the PowerPod.

I had noticed that PowerPod did record a ride previously when it did not appear to connect the same circumstances. I know you say that it this is impossible for it to not be able to communicate with Profile 2 however that is what it appears to be doing.

As I said, the green light never went solid green when I started the PowerPod. I tried to restart it a couple of times to no avail. I then just rode. So to confirm it was definitely a ride on my CX bike with the Gravel wheels, not my Propel. Like you I don't understand how it is recording a ride (it must be connecting to the Gravel bike sensor) without the solid green light to confirm pairing. As I said also that I did push the PowerPod button a couple of times through the ride in the hope it would connect but it didn't. Obviously because it is already happily recording power.

So what would be the suggestions to resolve the issue? Can I wipe the PowerPod memory completely of all profiles etc and then reload my four profiles and hope this ghost profile two disappears?


Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:48 pm
by spangelsaregreat
Any ideas?

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:45 pm
by Velocomp
There is no doubt but that your 6/18 ride was recorded with profile 2, which has a combined speed cadence sensor

Your 5/31 ride was recorded in profile 4, with separate speed/cadence sensors.

I cannot explain how, if your 6/18 ride was on your CX bike (separate speed/cadence sensors) it was recorded with profile 2 data. Ironically, however, the profile 2 data is close to profile 4 for WSF, weight, and wheel circumference, so either profile would give good data for your ride...

I suggest you do a new pairing for profile 4, making sure your other bikes/sensors are off, then try a ride.

Re: Profile weirdness.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:07 pm
by spangelsaregreat
Okay will give that a go the next time I am on the gravel bike.
