weird Power numbers

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weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John.
I have had an occurrence, twice in the last 4 weeks, Same bike , same sensors . On those occasions, i stopped for a short break , maybe 4-5 mins. When I start , I notice the power numbers climb above , what is normal. I get to a point, where I can stop, turn off the PP and restart , all is back to normal . For a few weeks. As you can see on 07 30 2022 0937 11, on the downhill part towards the end, power numbers, while coasting . At that point, I stopped, turned off unit and restarted which is ride 07 30 2022 1101 07 .

I checked the front wind port and the little port on the belly of the unit for obstructions, none. Beings , this is the second occurrence, thought I better check with you . Attached are the ride files.

Thank you,

Ken B.
spike in power at 9.35 - 11 miles. I turn off unit
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11,01 miles, checked ports and restarted PP
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Velocomp CEO
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Your unit has the CdA key unlock feature in it. It appears that you are using it in profile 4, which is a special profile intended for CdA measurement.

You don't have a DFPM but some of the special measurements used in profile 4 are still operational.

Please copy your profile over to profile 1 or 2, which are used for normal power measurement. Then, delete profile 4.

Do your rides in profile 1 or 2 and you should get more consistent results on downhills.

PS: make sure your unit cannot rotate on your handlebars. If it does then that can cause the downhill watts problem you are seeing.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John,

Now I'm confused. I have an unlock key, to be able to load 4 bike profiles. So, now I can only use 2 ? I have no use for the DFPM, will never use that function . I don't need Cda, either . I have 5 bikes, with 1-3 presently assigned and profile 4 is swapped between 2 bikes .

What's the purpose of the unlock key, , if I can only use 2 profiles. I guess its not a big issue to manually load profiles, before I head out, I usually set up a bike the night before .

Thank you,

ken B.

Edit : I purchased my upgrade key in 2020 ( to use 4 profiles), why is this issue rearing its head now ?
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Profiles 3 and 4 are related to CdA functions. Profile 4 in particular does some special things to improve CdA measurement, in part by disabling some of the automatic correction features used in other profiles.

Your problem ride was recorded in profile 4. Normally that is fine but, as happened to you, your unit was bumped during the ride, and since the automatic correction feature does not work in profile 4, you had some watts problems at the end of your ride.

For whatever reason your unit has the CdA key loaded. If you wish you can return it to us and we will remove that key and you will have all four profiles available for riding.

If you want to send in your unit please email for next steps, and reference this thread.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John,

See post {. Re: HELP ! I broke my PowerPod. Really
Post by Kcblair » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:50 pm

Hello John,

Tom got to my broken PP v2. After a conversation, I discovered my circuit board was the current model . Tom offered to upgrade it to v3 and put it into a v3 shell. A little reluctant at first , I decided to go for it.
I do understand , that I will have to perform a recal on all 5 bikes, as the saved bike profiles will not be accurate, if I install into the v3 pod.
The PP is in the mail back to me.}

I think that's how Cda key was installed .

Question, Can I please send the PP in, after my cycling season, which ends in October ? In the mean time, I'll manually load the profiles, as I prep a bike.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:20 pm Thanks John,

See post {. Re: HELP ! I broke my PowerPod. Really
Post by Kcblair » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:50 pm

Hello John,

Tom got to my broken PP v2. After a conversation, I discovered my circuit board was the current model . Tom offered to upgrade it to v3 and put it into a v3 shell. A little reluctant at first , I decided to go for it.
I do understand , that I will have to perform a recal on all 5 bikes, as the saved bike profiles will not be accurate, if I install into the v3 pod.
The PP is in the mail back to me.}

I think that's how Cda key was installed .

Question, Can I please send the PP in, after my cycling season, which ends in October ? In the mean time, I'll manually load the profiles, as I prep a bike.
Sure, send it in when convenient for you.

In the mean time Profile 4 is the only one where you might bump into problems.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Thank you, John.
I'm amazed , how I've become so dependent on this unit. I'll leave PROFILE 4 blank.

Ken B
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by gdu90 »

John, is the same true for Profile 4 in a PP v2 with the feature unlock installed (I bought a PowerStroke ungrade for my unit but it appeared to install with multiple features enabled, not PowerStroke alone) ?

I do use a DFPM but, like Ken, I don't need CdA and instead I want to use all 4 profiles between two bikes and three wheelsets. I'm seeing power spikes when starting rides in profile 4 (when that profile correctly matches the bike/wheelset I'm riding) and not in the other profiles. I've not yet had it spike mid-ride but I don't typically make stops.

If so, mailing the unit back and forth isn't an easy/cheap option as I'm in England. Is there no way to re-set it and install a new PowerStroke ugprade without the CdA unlocked ?

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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Please post a ride .ibr ride file. That will tell the story!
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John, per your instructions from early in this thread, I am not using any profiles in #3, #4 . Only use , #1#2 this year. I totally forgot to send the unit to you. But, this issue popped up 4/13/2023 rides. Soft peddling to home on flat road , and power Watts jumped up to over 300 watts. Normally 70-90 watts. Was using profile 1. Have not used profile 2 yet.

Second issue today 4/14.2023. Started out as normal, then the PP started disconnecting and reconnecting. The PP is charged and all sensors on bike have new battery's installed this week. This went on for few miles, when I just turned off the unit.
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Jump in watts while soft peddling at end of ride
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

4/13: your PP was knocked out of position at the end of the ride. Notice that, on the flats at the end of your ride, your slope was 8% :-). That is what caused high watts. Make sure your PP is solidly attached and cannot rotate.

Watts will be zero when cadence is zero. Make sure your cadence sensor is operating properly. I see a lot of cadence sensor dropouts on your 4/13 and 4/14 files. Dropouts will cause watts to drop to zero.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Thank you John. I'll recheck the battery in the cadence sensor. I don't recall that even being connected to the PP. I do have a second cadence sensor .

That's correct, my street is flat . I snugged up the PP but concerned not to over tighten. Oh , I remember, just prior to turning on my street, I noticed a cute dog running loose, in the 90 degree heat and stopped to offer some water. I think i did grab the handlebar and garmin, while holding on to bike and trying to offer water to the dog.

I'll recheck everything tonight. First part of week, everything worked properly .

Again, thanks,

Ken B.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:29 pm Thank you John. I'll recheck the battery in the cadence sensor. I don't recall that even being connected to the PP. I do have a second cadence sensor .

That's correct, my street is flat . I snugged up the PP but concerned not to over tighten. Oh , I remember, just prior to turning on my street, I noticed a cute dog running loose, in the 90 degree heat and stopped to offer some water. I think i did grab the handlebar and garmin, while holding on to bike and trying to offer water to the dog.

I'll recheck everything tonight. First part of week, everything worked properly .

Again, thanks,

Ken B.
If you have two cadence sensors on your bike that could be a possible problem.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

I have 2 cadence sensors in use. One stays on a given bike and other gets rotated. I've been riding same bike all week , since start of my season and this disconnecting issue started on the 14th. I am using a Garmin cadence sensor on this bike. I have a generic cadence sensor for over bikes. The Garmin is ready g them correctly. I have removed the Garmin cadence and have in stalled the generic one to test. I checked Isacc and some bike have a cadence connected and others none. They all worked flawlessly last year.

Anything else I should check ?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Ok John, Issue identified. Yep, took both cadence sensors out and switched mid ride. The Garmin sensor has a problem. When the power drops, I noticed on the Garmin , the cadence goes to zero, too.

So I guess I need another cadence sensor as a backup . Seems as the generic sensor works fine.

Thanks so much.
Ken B.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John . Have another issue, since changing to a new cadence sensor. Yesterday (5/22) I had in issue with the speed sensor dropping in and out. But, PowerPod continued with normal numbers. Battery was low in the speed sensor, so today (5/23), I replaced all sensor battery's, made sure PP and Garmin 520+ were all fully charged.

Started my ride and shortly after, the PP started loosing connection. kept repeating "PowerPod Found" . So now I'm lost. The unit has not been moved, and securely attached and level.

I tried , mid ride, turning PP off and back on, issue continued .

Been using same bike all season . So , not many variables .

Thank you for your time, I'm sure it is an easy fix as before. Ken.
PP dropping in&out
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PP dropping out
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Only speed sensor dropping out, PP continued reporting data.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

I looked at your ride files.

Cadence data is missing from all of them, so I suggest you do a new sensor pairing with your new cadence sensor. Before starting pairing, use your bike computer to be sure your speed and cadence sensors are working.

I don't see any data dropouts in your ride files, so I cannot comment about your "lost PowerPod pairing". If this happens again please take photos of your bike computer screen so I can better understand what you are seeing.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John,

Please check May 22. PP was working normally. Same new cad sensor. I'll do that.

What I met to say, the Garmin was sending "PowerPod Found" every few minutes. The reading would drop to zero, then go blank. Then "Powerpod found" , then work a few minuets, then repeat.

That was the first thing I did, when the issue happened. All sensors were working properly.

Velocomp CEO
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Velocomp wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:59 pm
Kcblair wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 4:05 pm Thanks John,

Please check May 22. PP was working normally. Same new cad sensor. I'll do that.

What I met to say, the Garmin was sending "PowerPod Found" every few minutes. The reading would drop to zero, then go blank. Then "Powerpod found" , then work a few minuets, then repeat.

That was the first thing I did, when the issue happened. All sensors were working properly.

Hmm...if you are seeing "PowerPod Found" then it is likely your PP is connected to your Garmin through BLE, not ANT+. Make sure your PP is connected to your Garmin by an ANT+ connection, and disable any BLE connection.

I did look at your 5/22 file and did not see any issues with it, other than the missing cadence info.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Everything connected thru ANT+ . So I just did a complete new add sensors. Cad, Speed, HR. PP seems ready for an O&B ride. After sensor pairing, I have solid yellow. , then Red/Green. Had to shut off (5 clicks) as storm is now moving in and wife yelled at me. Well tomorrow.

With this new cad sensor, I'll have to repeat this for each bike , correct ?

Thanks so much.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

In regards to BLE, only my phone is connected to the Garmin. Mainly for "Live track". All sensors and PP are via Ant+. When I perform any sensor /PP , phone is not in the area.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Kcblair wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 5:21 pm In regards to BLE, only my phone is connected to the Garmin. Mainly for "Live track". All sensors and PP are via Ant+. When I perform any sensor /PP , phone is not in the area.
This is very odd, because we do not transmit the word "PowerPod" by ANT+; only in our BLE transmission is the word "PowerPod" communicated.

Navigate to your Garmin sensor settings, find your power sensor, and take screen shots of what you find.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Hello John, I named the Powepod in the sensor settings in the Garmin 520+.

SO, After pairing all my sensor, I went for the O&B ride, and more issues. I've must have doe this many times. But, I took the O&B instructions with me.
Here whats happening, After turning on the PP and Garmin, all sensors active, the light turns yellow. I ride to my starting point, and no flashing Red/green. It appears to stays solid yellow. So I shuut off the PP, go through another pairing, the pairing does what the instruction say and turns 3 red flashes turns solid green, then solid yellow. Again, i ride to my starting point, short distance , still solid yellow. I never get a flashing red/green. I ride around in circles, waiting, but no flashing red/green.

I'm totally lost. Never had this much trouble, in the years owing this neat device. It just works. What am I doing wrong ? Got 2 pages of instructions in rear pocket, so I don't miss a step.

There is no data in the PP from today.
Garmin 520+
Garmin 520+
min.jpg (141.01 KiB) Viewed 13969 times
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

John, I have since, returned the PP name to the default ID in Garmin 520+.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Okay, I decided to force a O&B cal ride using Isaac , still, after paring and verifying on Garmin,all pairing lights as required , I get to the point, to start the ride, light stays yellow and will not turn to flashing red/green after riding for a few minutes to the starting point.

1. Forced O&B cal in Isaac
2. paired to PP, (all sensors active in Garmin)
3. Flashes green, 3x red more flashing green, stops at solid green.
4. Turns solid yellow, ride to starting point, that's it.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

Well, you've explained the PowerPod naming mystery... :-)

Let's start with a new beginning: a hard reset (Press-hold button for 12 seconds; it will flash green after a few seconds, then go out briefly, then start flashing again. Release the button).

After the hard reset try a new sensor pairing then cal ride. Hopefully this will fix everything
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

And before you ask, PP is level, hasn't change in years.
PP Level.jpg
PP Level.jpg (169.48 KiB) Viewed 13959 times
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Good Morning, John,

Well, after sleeping on the O&B issue, it dawned on me to try a "hard reset", and now I have a new O&B calibration, and all sensors are displayed in Isaac . Now Ill finish my morning chores and head out for a ride.

I did return the default PP name to the Garmin unit.

Now, I should repeat this process on all my bikes . This is a chance , to get my HR in all the profiles, too.

So, thanks again for putting up with me and being so helpful.

Will there be a path to upgrade to V5, for us V4 users ?

Have a great Memorial Day weekend. Ken B.
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Velocomp »

The hard reset restores the proper sequencing of internal software commands. Your profile data is unchanged, so there is no need to do a hard reset for each profile.

If you want to add sensor IDs to your different profiles, you will need to do a new sensor pairing and cal ride for each profile.
John Hamann
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Re: weird Power numbers

Post by Kcblair »

Thanks John. Yep, only need sensor pairing & calibration ride.
Just return from a ride, all worked well, haven't checked data, but looked normal as riding.
Again, Thank you so much.
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