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PPV5 change profile after ride

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:39 am
by kdx200

ive been riding without issues and today i used the newton app to check the wind as it was a windy day.

For some reason i entered in the tools menu and used the change profile after the ride.

I cant understand why the figures changes.

The actual setup in the ppv5 is the same being applied, but the power went up by a + - 15watts. (pic attached)

Can you explain why it changed if its using the same parameters?

Thank you very much

Re: PPV5 change profile after ride

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:57 pm
by kdx200
mmm any news Velocomp team?


Re: PPV5 change profile after ride

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:46 pm
by Velocomp
I looked at your ride file.

When you use analytical commands, such as "Switch Profile after the Ride", Isaac reprocesses raw data from your unit, basically recreating in your computer the calculations your unit does on the road.

I agree there is a difference but I can't explain why. Most likely Isaac is using older calculation algorithms compared to your device. Isaac algorithms have not been updated in years, so I would trust the as-presented data from your unit.