Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

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Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by blp »

Where to start?...

Yesterdays ride went as such: Turned on Newton 6, paired HRM, paired Garmin GC-10 speed/cadence, paired DFPM, even though there is no DFPM associated with the bike profile. My buddy has a DFPM, so Newton was picking up that signal. I get that. DFPM was turned off in Edit Profiles/Wireless IDs so I don’t think that should have presented itself as a problem. Hasn’t in the past.

All is going fine, and I noticed that my cadence was 31, when in fact it was around 95. I re-paired, after giving a couple of hundred meters to my friend so it wouldn't pick up his DFPM. Everything paired. Again, weird cadence. Checked profile, correct bike I think. (I wish that was configurable instead of bike 1, 2, 3 or 4. I forget which is which. Although I don't concern myself too much as that can be changed after the ride.)

Then I noticed it wasn't cadence being displayed on the Newton, but calories! I have never had calories as a display field. I also noticed that power was not being displayed either. Re-paired again. Same.

I had a somewhat similar issue with dropped power in the past and made sure the cadence sensor and crank arm magnet where close. They wery close in fact.

What I did find as I was riding is that I would see "Cadence lost" being displayed and then I'd get power readings! Then power would be lost again. This happened continually during the ride. At one point I turned off Newton and re-started. Same problems.

Also, there are 3 files for the ride not one (or maybe 2 for shutting down and restarting). Not a uncorrectable issue, just append the files.

Any ideas?


N6 FW 5.18

Files attached.
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Last edited by blp on Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 164
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Re: Dopped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by blp »

I also noticed Powerstroke is not available. It was unlocked.
Detail of Strava power trace
Detail of Strava power trace
Strava_CU.JPG (27.59 KiB) Viewed 10619 times
N6UnlockStaus.jpeg (40.35 KiB) Viewed 10628 times
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by Velocomp »

Your cadence sensor data is flaky (it does not appear in your ride file, but your Newton is behaving as if it does). This would also cause loss of PS data.

Three things to do:

1) Hard reset the cadence sensor (remove its battery, reinsert it backwards temporarily, remove it again, then reinsert normally)

2) Replace cadence sensor battery

3) Hard reset the Newton, then connect to Isaac to reprogram correct time

In general, it is risky to pair when you're around other bikes.
John Hamann
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Re: Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by blp »

Thanks John.

I will do those steps.

The Newton has never had pairing issues before, bravo, but I do understand how pairing around other devices, particularly power meters, could be problematic.

The torrential rains of Vancouver have stopped and there is blue stuff in the sky (not sure what that is), so I'll have a chance to do a test ride.

I'll keep you posted.
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Re: Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by Velocomp »

If you had paired to a DFPM during the ride, it's possible that the DFPM was supplying cadence data. Whenever the DFPM was out of range, cadence = 0 and power = 0.
John Hamann
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Re: Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by blp »

Oops, I forgot to post an update.

I received an email from Tom Gore and he suggested I do a hard re-set of the Garmin GSC-10 cadence/speed device.

Sure enough, it worked. (John, I'm sure you aren't at all surprised that Tom had the answer.)

Goes to show that maybe there may be a simple solution to a problem.

Thanks guys.
Velocomp CEO
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Re: Dropped power, wrong cadence sensor, and wrong display

Post by Velocomp »

You just did a separate posting with speed spike problems.

I don't know if this was after you did the sensor reset.
John Hamann
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